Wednesday, November 5, 2008

State of the Blog Address

This should be about the 2/3rds mark of this blog experiment. I appreciate my friends and (anecdotally at least) the few people I don't know personally who check out this blog. I love the Cats and enjoy writing, so I love people tuning in. If you noticed, I started running ads on the site in the last week. So far, I have made a total of 25 cents from them. Profit was not really my motive. At this rate, I'll be taking my wife to Applebees in 2047 with my fat roll of cash. Having the ads does allow me to see how many page impressions I get, which is interesting.

I am a little disappointed in me here. The Bowl Projections and weekly game previews are too easy to fall back on, and I'm certainly less humorous than usual while discussing a topic I'm surprisingly passionate about. Somehow I can find humor in fighting with jackasses about six figures of other people's money, but not in a game involving a "ball" that isn't round. Weird. My excuse is a lack of spare time occasioned by a demanding day job. My wife has been really good about giving me space to do this, but the time is still limited.

In any event, thanks for reading, and I'm about to redouble my efforts.

1 comment:

Mike Hammond said...


I'm enjoying the blog. A nice alternative to the outrageous UK fans on many message boards. Keep it coming.

Mike Hammond

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